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Best Presentation Award on Balkan Venture Forum


Coprix media, the innovation start-up engaged with systematic educational software applications in the area of improving education, won the Best Presentation Award on the leading regional forum which deals with investments and innovation – Balkan Venture Forum, which was held in Belgrade, Serbia on November 22 and 23, 2012. At the same event Coprix media was proclaimed as one of the 10 winners.

Innovators Vladimir Koprić and Marko Marinkovic, who designed the application InterActive spelling book, by the decision of the international jury will present this project on the European capital summit (European Venture Summit) in Berlin on December 6 and 7, 2012 where they will have the opportunity to present their innovation to the large number of investors.

Balkan Venture Forum is a conference that brings together local and foreign investors, and its goal is to bring young innovators and meet with the owners of capital, and to advise them how to run a startup and how best to pitch in front to the investors. Balkan Venture Forum is organized by Balkan Unlimited and in cooperation with the Europe Unlimited.

Balkan Venture Forum’s award, that the project, which has already been rated as a quantum leap in education for the 21st century, promote in Berlin, the capital for the start-up in Europe, Koprić and Marinković see as an opportunity to meet with their innovation wide range of investors from Europe, and to find partners for expansion into areas of the European Union.

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